Update 0.7.0a

This update changes the game feel wise almost completely. Featuring a major transformation rework. For the most part the game should feel a lot slower and longer. With differences in how you deal with transformations and their causes. Here are the patch notes for this update. As usual everything above the line is new to this update and everything below is new to this major update. 

Almost all the Dialogue is redone by DukeofBrittany! This includes zoo text, transformation text, and item descriptions. Probably more that I forgot. 

Added a Status effect display. Now you know that your affected by a certain status effect, and you can see and cancel positive buffs. 

Added a new Concentration Mechanic. Basically certain spells require you to be focused on them to work. Basically what this means is that you can have only one of these spells active at a time and they require a mana upkeep cost to keep them active. Which is usually cheaper than casting the spell again. The spell will expire if you can’t pay for it. You can always cancel the spell by clicking on it's buff icon. 

Changed Reduce curse to Suppress curse. Which is now a concentration spell. This spell will Slow down any active transformations you have. And if you're in a healthy enough state, it will recede any transformations. 

Added a new spell, Create magic blade. Concentration spell that creates a temporary weapon. It still needs to be equipped to work. 

Changed haste to a Concentration spell. 

Changed how floors generate and enemies spawn to be slower. It’ll take a few more floors to see an increase to enemy danger level and floor size to reflect the slower transformations. 

Added buttons that link to my other Socials on the main menu. Am i bit annoyed that fur affinity doesn’t have a pure black logo. Yes.

Added a new enemy, Arctic foxes. Why not regular foxes? I'm sure there is a clever reason. Anyways.

Added a new feature. I don't want to call it, but enemies will now react to how you look. the reactions are split into 4 categories

Aggressive is the default. all enemies are aggressive towards humans and act the same way as they always have.

Natural: These enemies are minding their own business and don't directly attack the player unless provoked.

Friendly: These enemies will try to hang around you and will help you in combat. They'll attack the same target as you. (However if you attack the same type of enemy or an enemy they consider a friend they'll be aggressive towards you)

Cowardly: These enemies are scared of you. and will actively try to run away from you.

All these behaviors are based on what you look like. Your visibility is determined based on how transformed you are and what armor you are wearing. Armor adds some uncertainty and armor that fully covers that limb will look human. So the armors coverage value plays a role in this.

Added a visual effect for transformations. As your head transforms your eyes also change to match the creature your transforming into. For instance wolfs are yellow-blue color blind so the screen will change to reflect that. (pictured above)

Added the ability to refund upgrades so you can turn them off if you want to play vanilla.

Added new chest and item on ground sprites. So they no longer just look like cubes.

Changed the way enemies spawn. the level is pre populated with enemies so you encounter them sooner and there is a bit of code preventing too many enemies from spawning in the same place. So you "should" no longer get a huge nest of enemies if you wander around in circles.

The main idea is that transformations will be A lot slower than before. but with its speed being determined by a ton of different factors. being healthy well feed and comfortable will make you transform less. Here are the Details on how this all works.

The main change is progressing transformations are no longer tied to each limb. We now have a new factor when it comes to transformations, priority. basically interacting with an enemy will increase the priority. currently there are 3 main things that change your priority.

1.) Randomly getting a slight priority gain when the enemy attacks you. This is similar to how enemies used to trigger transformations randomly. this is set at 30 priority that decays over 3000 turns.

2.) You'll always get a slight priority gain when the enemy attacks you at low health. This effect is very minor. this is set at 2 priority per attack at half health. that decays over 100 turns.

3.) getting knocked out by an enemy. You'll get 100 priority that decays over 100 turns. As well as another 100 priority that doesn't decay. every other enemy will also lose 100 priority

This is mostly set up so i can change your priority at will

So how does priority effect transformations? once you reach a priority of 25 of any enemy you'll start to transform into them as per usual. on a turn by turn bases you transform into a specific enemy instead of each limb transforming on their own. this enemy is a random valid enemy (priority greater than 25) that is weighted towards enemies that have higher priority. once we have that enemy we determine a grade. this grade will set your speed.

Rank A reverts your transformation by a little bit (-0.1% on a limb per turn)

Rank B Pauses your transformation

Rank C makes you transform slowly (0.15% on a limb per turn)

Rank D standard transformation (0.3%)

Rank E fast transformation (0.5%)

Rank F very fast transformation (1%).

how we determine this grade is a a bunch of different factors. including your current environment, your hp vs maxhp, your mp vs maxmp, the average of this value, your hunger levels. your current priority.


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